SP5: Application projects

In addition to research in NLP, we plan four different research projects in text-based humanities and social science fields; lexicography, analytical sociology, literary studies, and gender studies. This work will be done in close collaboration with domain experts to bridge the gap between existing methods, and research needs, and push research in both the HSS fields, and the NLP field, forward. The different projects are expected to start in different years and typically span two years.

Our first research theme relates to analytical sociology and will be driven by Associate Professor Sarah Valdez, Institute for Analytical Sociology. The theme is split in two and concerns the study of radicalization and temporal change in attitude towards cultural differences. Planned start: 2026

Our second research theme is lexicography, driven by Professor Emma Sköldberg, University of Gothenburg, who leads the work on the Contemporary Dictionary of the Swedish Academy. Planned start: 2023 (spans three years)

Our third research theme concerns Gender Studies driven by Professor Mia Liinasson, University of Lund. The focus of the study will be how changes in the use of language influence social practices and beliefs among an entire community, as well as how broader transformation in values and norms influence language. Planned start: 2024

Our fourth research theme is literary studies driven by Professor Mats Malm, University of Gothenburg. We will study which aspects of our lives that were affected by the introduction of modern technologies, like electricity or the steam engine. We can go beyond the obvious to the more abstract parts of our lives, and study how technological and societal change was problematized in literature as well as how they changed our aesthetic expression. Planned start: 2026

More information on the research themes will be up as the projects start over the next years.

Associated Projects:

In addition to our own APs, we have an associated project: The market Language primarily funded by MAW in which we look at the changing concepts around “the market”. They have transitioned from implying a concrete physical market to increasingly abstract markets like Europe-wide iron markets, as well as marriage and dating markets. They have also increasingly become actors in our lives, “the market reacted badly to the new corona restrictions”. We will complement the conceptual historians in-depth analyses with computational models of change. This project ranges 2022-2025.

Change Is Key!
Change Is Key!